

Intense cycling workouts that burn calories, improve fitness and get your endorphins flowing. Powered by energetic instructors & music. We're in this together! Let’s spin.

Spin Studio

Spinning is a form of exercise with classes focusing on endurance, strength, intervals, and high intensity. It involves using a special stationary exercise bike with a weighted flywheel in a classroom setting. There are five core movements/positions in spinning including, Seated flat, Standing flat, Jumps, Seated climb, and Standing climb. These five movements each work a different part of the body and focus on different leg muscle groups.

The rider should always maintain control of the flywheel by having resistance applied and remaining below a certain cadence. (Cadence in spinning, or pedal speed, is measured in pedal stroke revolutions per minute, or rpm). For example, a cadence of 80 rpm means that one pedal makes a complete revolution 80 times in one minute.

The rider should be able to maintain perfectly even pedal rotations at high resistance. This becomes difficult below a 60 rpm cadence. Most indoor cycling classes are coached with music. Riders may synchronize their pedaling to be in time with the rhythm of the music, thus providing an external stimulus to encourage a certain tempo. Often, the music chosen by the instructor is dance music or rock music set to a dance beat.

If this is your first time joining a spinning class here is a short guide to help you prepare:

Arrive ten minutes early and speak to your instructor

Explain to them it is your first time taking part in a spinning class and they will assist you in setting up your bike

Your saddle and handlebars may need to be adjusted to suit you

The instructor will explain to you in detail how your bike works and how you can control the gears

They will explain each spinning position that they will be using that day

It is a requirement to bring a towel and a bottle of water, your instructor will check this at the beginning of each class. If you do not have these items at hand your instructor may not let you take part

Finally, remember to have fun!

Key Benefits

Burn between 300 and 600+ calories per class

Improve your cardiovascular fitness

Build lean muscle definition

 Enhance your mental strength

Set your own pace

Ocean Spin 30

A challenging indoor cycling class that takes place on stationary bikes in our specially designated spinning studio. This class can burn up to 400 calories and is perfect for beginner spinners or if you're looking for a quick workout.

Ocean Spin 45

Similar to our Spin 30 but with an added challenge. Be prepared to be pushed to your absolute limits. Burn up to 600 calories in this intermediate/advanced level class.



Looking to intensify your spin class? Spintense is a 45-minute class that increases the burn by adding in weights. Working against high resistance, the core engages as we add in an upper body weights program to include the biceps, triceps, chest, and shoulders routine. 

Fit 55 Spin

Spin for a low impact activity that causes very little stress on the joints. This is because cycling involves smooth and steady circular movements, which let you spread the impact of the exercise across multiple joints. This compares to the intense pressure that running places on the joints.